No Walls Intranational Ministries


Ephesians 4:1-6 ESV therefore, a prisoner for the Lord, urge you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which you have been called, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love, eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. There is one body and one Spirit—just as you were called to the one hope that belongs to your call— one Lord, one faith, one baptism.
Pastor, Dr. Gwen Goolsby Tillery
 Gwen Goolsby Tillery is an, award winning and bestselling author, serial entrepreneur, certified Christian counselor, and speaker with a passion for empowering people to move from stuck to unstoppable and become everything that they were created to be. Gwen has spoken at numerous conferences and events and appeared on many podcasts sharing her knowledge and passion for helping people overcome barriers and achieve Godly success. Gwen accepted the call to ministry in 2018 and launched the Transformation Experience women’s conference and speak ministries. She is passionate about helping God’s people become all that they were created to be. She is also the Visionary for Arize Ministries. Gwen holds a B.S. in Psychology. 2 Master’s Degrees, one in Mental Health Counseling and the other in Education> She also hold a Doctorate in Biblical Exposition.

Prophetess,  LaKisha Kelley

Prophetess, LaKisha Kelley is a wife, and mother of 8 children. She is a Registered Nurse and Infection Prevention Consultant and has been in the medical profession for over 20 years. Lakisha is a powerful prayer Intercessory warrior. She is an intercessor for Victorious Women of God Prayer Ministry in Pennsauken, NJ. Her lifelong goal is to lead people to Christ through love and by sharing the Gospel. One of her favorite scriptures, Isa. 41:10 "So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed for I am your God, I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."

Elder, Alex J. Tillery

Elder, Alex J. Tillery is an award winning author, entrepreneur, educator, mentor, and coach. He is married to Dr. Gwen Goolsby Tillery and they have 2 amazing daughters , Briana and Alexis. Alex is the C.E.O of H.O.P.E. which stands for Helping Others Pursue Excellence. The company offers mentoring and training to young men. Alex has been active in ministry for the last 15 years serving in different capacities including Trustee, Alex is currently an Assistant Dean at KIPP H.S. and the JV head coach and Varsity assistant coach. Alex is a firm believer that success is determined by you mindset and not your circumstances. 

Prophetess, LaKisha Kelley

Overseer Adrienne Rainey, is a dedicated trustee of No Wall International Ministries. She is an entrepreneur with a heart for empowering others. As the CEO of a Ladybug Glitter jewelry business, she sells exquisite pieces that also fosters a culture of self-confidence and empowerment. Beyond adornment Adrienne is also passionate about holistic wellness. She is working to create a health conscious juice business, 'Natural Gems Juices,'

Prophetess, Dr. Renee Crooks

Prophetess, Dr. Renee Crooks, the daughter of Jamaican-born parents, Henry and Delores Crooks, was introduced to Christ at an early age. Following in the prophetic footsteps of her maternal great-grandmother, Imogene Myton, Dr. Crooks is deeply invested in serving God through philanthropic endeavors and mentorship within her local community and abroad. As a change agent who is purposed in people, Dr. Crooks has spent her career serving marginalized populations through her work with various nonprofit organizations and governmental agencies.